Find Your ROAR! and Feel Like a Lion!

Who’s the King of the Jungle? Of course, it’s The Lion!


Who’s the King of the Jungle?

Of course, it’s The Lion!

Would you like to be the King or Queen of Your World? You want to feel like a Lion wherever you are, at work, home, school, or church!

To Live Like a Lion, You need to ROAR like a Lion!

That is what Big ROAR! Health is all about.

It’s a no brainer. If you Live like a Lion, you need to Feel like a Lion. Finding your ROAR! is the first step to Feeling like a Lion. Finding Your ROAR! is the key.  Once you Find Your ROAR! you want to Feed Your ROAR!. When you Feed Your ROAR! you are Living Your ROAR! which means you are Living Like the Lion you know you truly are. 

Feed your ROAR! is one of the Big Concepts of Big ROAR! Health. We have a society of people who are suffering from many different chronic illnesses which can be avoided. Why? We are OVERFED and UNDERNOURISHED. How can this be? Sometime during the 20th century, we started eating less real food and eating more synthetic manmade substances. Also, industrial farming practices using fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides have depleted our soils of nutrients and minerals, which means that any real food we do eat is less nutritious than it was 100 years ago.

We feed our ROAR! by eating nourishing food, thinking nourishing thoughts, and spending time with fellow lions as we nourish each other with social support.

According to George Bernard Shaw, “Liberty means responsibility. That is why most men dread it.” – But you are a Lion, and this quote does not apply to you.

A lion pulls their own weight. Therefore, they may have concerns, but they proceed with confidence. When others panic, the Lion attacks. When times change, the Lion adapts.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are … endowed by their Creator with RIghts .. among these are … the pursuit of Happiness.” – Thomas Jefferson

Big ROAR! Health believes that it makes sense to pursue Happiness. In fact, we believe that having fun is a big part of Living like a Lion. So is the pursuit of Joy, Love and Beauty.

Join us as we create a Pride of Lions!

Mike Hoffman headshot

Mike Hoffman

Health Coach, Urban Farmer, Blogger

"Find your ROAR! and feel like a LION!"

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